13 Dec Respond NOW to Volunteer for Kentucky
Depending on volunteer availability, our immediate windows of opportunity for deployments to Mayfield, Kentucky, will be:
- Between Tuesday, Dec 14 – Wednesday, Dec 22
- Between Sunday, Dec 26 – Thursday, Dec 30
You do not need to stay an entire week, especially if you have your own transportation.
Overnight lodging, food, showers, etc., will be coordinated with our partner for this trip, God’s Pit Crew, along with other participating ministries on site.
If you are available, please respond to your PAR email sent out Monday, December 13, with answers:
- Which days are you available? (Indicate times if relevant)
- Can you provide your own transportation if needed?
A small advance team is leaving tomorrow (Tuesday). Once further plans are in place, we will send more details to those who responded.
Thank you for your willingness to help and for your prayers for those who have suffered great losses from these storms.