07 Sep Can You Help in These Ways?
Not everyone is able to go on overnight deployments to help with disaster relief.
But we all can do something to reach our common goal of helping others.
If you’re looking for a way to help, here’s how.
Our annual golf tournament—our only fundraiser—is only two a half weeks away on September 24. We are low this year on teams, door prizes, and sponsors.
If you can, we’d appreciate your help in getting:
- Additional teams to play in the tournament
- Door prizes to give away. They’re usually around $25 and easy to get by asking local businesses, which also helps spread the word about our mission.
- Sponsors for the tournament
Find more information about the tournament, signups, sponsors, etc., here.
If possible, bring the door prizes you collect to the meeting this Thursday at 6 p.m. If you can’t attend the meeting, we’ll make other arrangements to get them.
Thank you for helping make this 2021 tournament a success. It will allow our teams to minister to others after natural disasters hit too close to home.