Fill out our “Get Involved with PAR” form online, telling us which work you prefer. Your contribution is valuable to us regardless of your skills.
See our latest activity at PAR Now.
Receive email updates on future trainings, meetings, and onsite opportunities by filling out the “Get Involved with PAR” form.
Sign up for text alerts here. Get the latest updates on deployments, trainings, announcements, etc., sent straight to your phone.
Photos and announcements of current opportunities are on our Facebook page.
Money collected keeps our equipment and supplies in working order. We operate totally on your charitable donations.
Invite your business, church, or community to participate with PAR. Fill out the “Get Your Group Involved with PAR” form.
Our annual fundraiser each fall is an enjoyable and high-quality golf tournament. Play on a team, be a corporate sponsor, donate door prizes, or volunteer to help.