Spring Training, March 24 & 25, 2017

  • March 24, Friday, 6 pm – 8 pm . . . Chainsaw classroom training (for both men and women) by Richard Bennett from Husqvarna, at Wears Chapel Baptist Church, 938 Ryland Pike, Huntsville, AL.
  • March 25, Saturday, 9 am – 2 pm . . . On-site work at Flint Ridge Farm (chainsaw operators, firewood recovery for local missions, and limb pullers), 3616 Maysville Rd NE, Huntsville, AL. Stay as little or as long as you’d like.


For experienced workers: This is a great refresher course as well as an opportunity to use your skills to clean up storm damage from our January tornadoes.

For first-time volunteers: This training is required for all who want to operate a chainsaw and have not previously taken a class.

Prepare now so you can respond to the next call for help.