19 Aug Still Room for Volunteers to Colorado
We still have room for more volunteers. If you’re interested in helping cut fire-damaged trees in the Fort Collins, Colorado area, please let Ronald Jennings know asap.
This will be the first major work done to prevent flooding and remove dangerous trees since the fire. We can have a major impact with even a small team.
PAR will be working alongside Serve 6.8 and teams from Church of the Highlands and God’s Pit Crew, groups we’ve had positive experiences working with in the past.
We will be staying at City Park Church in Fort Collins, Colorado. They will provide basic bedding, towels, laundry services, airport pickup/drop off.
Work will begin Monday, August 30, and end on or around Friday, September 13. You are not required to stay the full 2 weeks. You will need to fund your own travel; please indicate if you are able.
Find general information here at our website.
For more details, see PDF here.
Contact Ronald with your questions.
PAR Disaster Response Team