We are preparing to send disaster relief teams to Louisiana after our golf tournament on September 24 is over. We won't send a team this weekend, even though our Colorado team is now home, due to potential bad weather from Tropical Storm Nicholas impacting relief efforts. If you are available to help...

Not everyone is able to go on overnight deployments to help with disaster relief. But we all can do something to reach our common goal of helping others. If you're looking for a way to help, here's how. Our annual golf tournament—our only fundraiser—is only two a half weeks away on September 24....

We'd love to see you at our meeting this Thursday night, 6 p.m., at the PAR warehouse. We'll be discussing: Our recent (and current) deployment to Colorado Our future plans for deploying for Hurricane Ida Our golf tournament THIS month on September 24  ...

Want to help with hurricane relief in Louisiana or with flood relief in Waverly, TN? Multiple opportunities are available. While our PAR assets are currently tied up in our Colorado deployment, preventing us from organizing something ourselves this coming week, we can recommend these three reputable organizations, if you're ready to...

Can you respond to the deadly flood in Waverly, Tennessee? Due to our upcoming Colorado deployment, we won't be organizing a PAR-specific group for Tennessee. However, we are encouraging our PAR volunteers to work with Eight Day of Hope (EDOH) instead, one of our faithful partners in disaster relief. You can sign up...