PAR NOW – Latest Events

All PAR volunteers are invited to tour the Huntsville-Madison County E-911 Center on Thursday, April 5, from 6:30-7:30pm. (This will replace our regular monthly meeting for April.) We'll learn how they operate as well as listen to interesting and historic 911 calls they have received. Please sign up here to attend. There will...

It's time for spring cleaning! We'd appreciate your help Saturday morning, March 24, at the PAR warehouse. We want to get better organized and get our equipment deployment-ready for any upcoming spring storms. Please sign up here. We'll get started at 8 a.m. at 3401 Holmes Avenue NW. It's the gray warehouse next...

Here is another way to be ready to help others when they need you. Madison County CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) has emergency response training classes open to the public. 8 classes (take as many as you can; take all for official certification) Tues/Thur nights, 6:00-8:30pm Begins February 6 Topics include:...

PAR encourages our volunteers to be prepared to help others when disaster strikes. Here are some upcoming training opportunities in our area. They are provided to the community through the Red Cross and the Harvest Volunteer Fire Department. If you’re interested, please call the appropriate contact person. (1) Red Cross Disaster Training  Pick...

At our next monthly meeting, we’ll talk about spring chainsaw training and other activities. All PAR volunteers are invited to our monthly meeting Thursday night, February 1, at Trinity United Methodist Church, 607 Airport Road, Huntsville. We meet in Room 266 at 6 p.m....

What will we do in 2018? Come to our first meeting of the year. Let's plan together. All PAR volunteers are invited to our monthly meeting this Thursday night, January 4, at Trinity United Methodist Church, 607 Airport Road, Huntsville. We meet in Room 266 at 6 p.m....

What can ordinary people do in extraordinary situations? Look at the difference you made in 2017! Instead of sitting on a couch and watching disasters on TV day after day, our volunteers put their hands to work. [ see it here ] Thanks for helping others make it through their difficult moments this...

As we thank God for our blessings this week, we include YOU among them. You helped others in many ways in 2017. Whether you . . . traveled to hurricane disaster areas, cut trees in a local neighborhood all Saturday, prayed for victims and responders, attended a monthly meeting, donated money...

You are invited! Please join us for our annual potluck Christmas Dinner. Let's celebrate together how God has provided through PAR this year. Friday, December 1 6:00-8:00pm Twickenham Church of Christ 7500 Whitesburg Drive, Huntsville In the outbuilding facing Byrd Spring Road Meat will be provided. If you’re able, please sign up...